About our ODA-Book and why this weblog is here.

This blog is dedicated to Digital Assistants in general and above all to Oracle Digital Assistant. We will post content here in addition to our book, which by the way is available here: https://www.amazon.com/Oracle-Digital-Assistant-Enterprise-Grade-Chatbots/dp/148425421X

This book can be used as an on-ramp to the development of enterprise-grade chatbots and digital assistants. It is based on real-life experience and explains everything you need to know to start building your own digital assistant (DA) using Oracle technologies. You will become familiar with the concepts involved in DA development from both a user experience and technical point of view. You will learn to create DAs using Oracle technologies, including the Oracle Digital Assistant Cloud. 

Some features are not covered in the book and some may change when new releases of the product become available. We will share our insights and knowledge on this blog.


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